The Fallout is Tear-Jerking and Intense

In the movie The Fallout, there is a girl named Vada, the main character who goes to school like on any regular day, but as she leaves class to call her sister and heads to the bathroom, she meets a girl, Mia. As they start talking they hear gunshots fire, and people screaming. As a normal person would they panic but quickly hide in the bathroom stall trying to stay quiet. The gunshots continue to keep going until they suddenly stop. 

During this part of the movie which was right at the beginning of it, I was shocked it happened so soon. This part is probably the most intense in the whole movie. 

After the school shooting, the rest of the movie goes on and Vada has to deal with the trauma from it. Mia and Vada start to become closer and bond more. They hang out every day almost, but because of the trauma, Vada is using alcohol and other substances as a way to cope. 

The entire movie is intense. I cried probably twice during it but watching Vada struggle so much hurt a lot. I felt so bad for her. There are so many scenes in the movie that showed that the only thing that comforted her and made her not have to feel pain was alcohol and illegal substances which made it a little hard to watch. 

I loved the movie so much because it showed so much emotion, which makes it good. I highly recommend watching this movie, and I would watch it multiple times.