Money Can Buy Happiness

Everyone has their own problems that they think money could fix, while others think money doesn’t fix anything. Many people might disagree with me but I believe that money can, in fact, buy happiness.

Usually the people who say that it can’t are the ones that already have a decent amount of money to live comfortably. Other’s who say it can are usually the people who have financial problems or would just like a little extra pocket money to spend on something nice. 

Those with financial problems believe everything can be fixed if they have enough money to do it. Most of my problems could be solved if I had enough money. I could pay for my car, my phone bill, and a good lawyer (for my own personal reasons). If I had the money I would be emancipated and living on my own by now. Other people have much worse situations than I do and need money for food, clothing, etc. 

Little things can change a persons life, like being able to buy a soda for themselves rather than sipping on a friends. It’s not necessarily the items that make people happy but the comfort of being able to buy the things they need and want. Therefore, I believe money can buy happiness.