Aromantics are Part of the LGBTQ+ Community


In the LGBTQ+ community, there are many different things attached to the “+,” like aromantic, for example. Aromantic people are normally forgotten when one talks about the community.

Aromantic is an umbrella term for people that feel very little to no romantic attraction. This is not the same as asexual. Asexual is a term used for people that do not feel SEXUAL attraction, but they still feel romantic attraction.

Aromantic people have been harassed or bullied for not being “normal” people, or they are told that they are “broken.”

I identify as aromantic, meaning I only feel very little romantic attraction, I am more attracted to the idea of someone rather than the actual person.

As an aromantic person, I have gotten COUNTLESS comments stating that I “haven’t found the right person yet” or that I am “just confused” because I am young. However, that is not the case. 

All in all, people just need to mind their own business when it comes to someone being aromantic, they’re not entitled to know whether or not Suzie down the street wants to be in a relationship or not. If you really care THAT much, then (respectfully) get help.