No More Game Room

Canton High School has a game room with ping-pong, air hockey, and pool for the students to use before school and after they finish their lunch. The junior high, seventh and eighth graders, are no longer able to go in there and play.

Some junior high students think certain people should be banned, rather than the entire junior high.   “Yes, only certain people should’ve got banned from the game room, because they do not take care of the items,” Hudsen Scott, seventh grader, said. Hudsen went on to say that the non-athletes in the junior high were the problem because those in athletics didn’t use the game room.

In agreement over the banning of both classes, “No, I  think certain people should be banned from playing in the game room,” Will McIntosh, seventh grader, said.  

Students don’t disagree that equipment should be cared for. “Yes I do think certain people should be banned because if they are caught doing bad things with the equipment they should be banned, not the whole class,” Nathen Janda, eighth grader, said.

Other junior high students blame the high school, not the junior high for the problems in the game room. “I think the high schoolers made us banned from the game room,” Will Blood, seventh grader, said. Will thinks the eighth grade and seventh were banned because most students would leave the game room equipment out.

“Sophomores made us get banned, because they broke things and blamed jr. high,” Kenzi Nix, eighth grader,  said.    

The actual reason for junior high being banned is, “They don’t know how to act, and they are immature,” Mr. Barney, English teacher, said.  “ They tore up the ping pong nets and paddles, broke cue sticks, and acted like hooligans,” Mr. Barney, said. “I would go over there and check, and it was complete madness.”

Mr. Barney will probably give them one more chance in the spring, but when he sees that they have been destroying equipment, or when he gets complaints from the teachers and cafeteria staff,  then they will be banned. If the problem continues next year, Mr. Barney says that banning will be on an individual basis.