Nothing but Red


Canton Public Schools has a total of 360 students, and 12 of them are redheads. Add to that we even have 3 red headed teachers. The total percentage of redheads at Canton schools is 4.5%, which doubles the percentage of the world’s redheads.

The bucket of redheads starts with Bradley Smith in Kindergarten, Camden Dossey in 2nd grade, Jordan Dossey in 5th grade, and Bree Simon in 5th grade. The other half of the redheads are in the high school building and start with Deuce Johnson and Tanner Cauble in the 8th grade, Hayleigh and Hanna Noble freshman, Josh Edwards and Alyssa Sutton, sophomores, Charlie Moldrup, junior, and Alex Sutton, senior. The three redheaded teachers are Mrs. Thompson who teaches high school math, Mrs. Martin who teaches kindergarten, and Ms. Brandly who teaches second grade.

Are solar flares the cause? Could it possibly be part of the diabolical plans of the Illuminati? It is likely that not even the great Stephen Hawking could figure out why Canton Public Schools has so many redheads.