Students Face Lunch Changes

Students wait in the line that reaches to the cafeteria doors.

Starting this school year, the students of Canton public schools are being introduced to biometric finger scanners. Instead of using lunch cards like in the previous years, they will be using a device that scans the students’ fingerprints.

In addition to the biometric scanners, students this year are all fed lunch in one group as opposed to years past when high school and junior high had separate lunch periods. Seventh grade through seniors have conjoined their lunches into one twenty-five minute period.

“I didn’t like the bells that rang during classes when there were two lunches and, it is easier to gather everyone if there is only one lunch because everyone is in the same place for a meeting,” Mr. Mcphail, high school principal, said. “Mr. Hampton, Mr. Ingram, and I thought that the finger scanners would be a quicker and more efficient way to get through the lunch line.”