DALETH: An Acronym To Live By


The 2018 Canton football team is kneeling at the end of a quarter.

On game nights one will hear the Tigers saying the word “daleth” and while it may be confusing to the outside world, the Tigers know exactly what daleth means. As a team the Tigers created this code last spring. Daleth is an acronym that stands for discipline, attitude, love your teammates, effort, teamwork, honesty, and hard work. While daleth may have been created for football, the Tigers do their best to live their everyday life by this code.

“It means the start of a new football team, that plays like a team, (and) doesn’t argue.” Charlie Moldrup, senior lineman, said.

Something else the Tigers have started to do this year is accountability cards. An accountability card is an index card that has the word daleth broken up into its parts, and the players must write what they can do that week to live out what daleth truly means. Whether it is running extra after practice or turning all papers in in the classroom, the Tigers have embraced what daleth truly means.

“Daleth to me represents how a football team should come together.” Seth Bromlow, sophomore linebacker, said.