5 Last Minute DIY Halloween Ideas That’ll Help You Rock the Holiday


1.  Easy Makeup Looks

There are millions of super easy makeup looks that can be done with as little as just eyeshadow. There are also some much more complicated ones that can be attempted.

2. Floating Candles

This one is for all the Harry Potter Fans out there. All they need is toilet paper, or paper towel tubes, fake candles, hot glue and white paint.

3. Faux Blood

Making fake blood is actually super simple. All that is needed is red food coloring, hershey’s  chocolate syrup, and corn syrup. Basically just mix it together.

4. Giant Spider

Giant spiders aren’t that hard to make. Everything needed is a black trash bag, pillow stuffing, pool noodles, red pom poms, and black spray paint. Fill the trash bag with the stuffing, paint the pool noodles and attach them to the bag. Then glue the pom poms to the trash bag to be it’s eyes.

5. Error 404 Costume Not Found

There are hundreds and hundreds of easy costumes. Someone could have a striped shirt and jeans, and be Where’s Waldo. Get a blue hoodie and sunglasses, and BOOM, there´s Damien from Mean Girls. Basically just look at Pinterest.