Thanksgiving Traditions


Every family has Thanksgiving traditions that range from just eating turkey to some random game they play every year. Here are the top five Thanksgiving traditions:

1. The turkey

Can we even call it Thanksgiving if there isn’t some form of turkey? Whether it is the dried out turkey that is about like eating cardboard, or the juicy turkey that falls apart in your mouth, every Thanksgiving has to have turkey.

2. The great naps

After we feast on the turkey, casseroles, and pie nobody can stop us from taking at least one nap. The naps on Thanksgiving are one of a kind. Nothing can beat them.

3. Watching football

Can we even call ourselves American if we don’t watch football on Thanksgiving day? Most TV’s across the country will be turned to a sports channel before it’s time to eat.

4. The questionable casserole that one weird aunt brings

Everyone has that weird aunt who always brings the same casserole, but she’s a little on the crazy side, so nobody says anything. Nobody but the dog really knows what it tastes like.

5. The Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade

Every kid dreads sitting through the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade. Let’s face it nobody, likes watching a big blow up Thomas the Train fly down the street. Why watch it when we could be running around like little heathens?