Online schools are a choice for some

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Public schools sometimes fail to meet the needs of their students. Virtual or online schools can help fill a void that traditional schools leave behind.
Some students have personal reasons, like pregnancy, disabled family, or anxiety/mental issues, to not go to traditional school. These students switch to strictly online schools with no face to face interaction.
In urban schools, the teachers have automated the learning system because they teach up to 50 kids at once. With a class that size, teachers finding time to help each student with homework and understanding topics can be difficult. Students in these large schools consider transfer to online school to increase one on one interaction with a teacher.
Online schools can offer more personalization for each student, fitting students’ personal needs for learning. They can go more quickly than normal schools for kids who are above average.
There are drawbacks to online school, however. The teachers have many different students most likely learning different things at different times.
It can be a challenge to even talk to online teachers.
“Not always being able to get a hold of your teacher for help is sometimes a problem or sometimes they don’t know how to help you,” Alyssa Rutz, online student, said.
Some traditional teachers have even thought about making the switch to being an online teacher. There are benefits to some teachers and some real downsides. Some teachers like that they don’t have to go anywhere and can wear pajamas all day, others don’t like that don’t have the face to face interaction.
“I like the personal connection seeing my students face to face but becoming an online teacher is a possibility,” Kayce Thompson, high school math teacher, said.