Best Things to Get in a Goody Sack


Kylie Nix

Canton Tiger Cheerleaders got goody bags Friday August 28,2020. Every game day the cheerleaders get goody bags.

Best Things to Get in a Goody Sack

  1. Candy

The best feeling in the world is opening up a goody sack and seeing a whole bunch of candy.  The best candies to get are Hershey’s chocolate bars, Kit Kats, Twix, and Snickers. Meltable candy on a long drive is never a good idea though. On a long drive, it is better to put something like gummy bears, Skittles, Life Saver Mints, and Air Heads.

2. Drinks

The best drinks are Kool-Aid Jammers, blue or red. Dr. Pepper is also a good one, but sometimes it is better to get a healthy drink, like Gatorade. Water is also a great option because you can also get those Kool-Aid packets for water, and they are cheaper than pop.

3. Snacks 

Lay’s Chips, popcorn, Pop-Tarts, and Cosmic Brownies are great in goodie bags. Opening up a goody sack and seeing any Little Debbie Snack can make anyone.

4. Activities    

Opening up a bag and seeing a toy or a coloring book with crayons is the best feeling ever. Students love getting stickers, little activity books, balloons, maybe even some plastic sunglasses, or fang vampire teeth. These are good if students are on a long trip and have nothing else to do, and these get them off their phones.

5. Baked Goods

Goody sacks with homemade cookies, cupcakes, rice crispies, and bread are some of the best things ever. Trail mixes are really good to too, like puppy chow. The only problem with this one is that the snack could get crush or start to crumble and make a mess in the bag.

6.  Extras 

This is mainly for girls but some great things to get are ponytail holders, socks, lipgloss, bath bombs, and nail polish. Hairbands are great too. Girls are always losing them and can always use a few extra.