Short Story or Full Length Movie?

Movie producers have a bad habit of taking short stories and trying to turn them into full-length movies. During the process, the story is cut and shaved down to fit into an hour-long film. Some movies even take a whole different road from the book to shave off time in the movie. A few different examples of short stories being made into movies are the following. 

“Trucks” also known as the movie, Maximum Overdrive 

“Trucks” is a story that has two movie adaptations. The First movie is Trucks. The second movie, the one I have seen, is Maximum Overdrive. Maximum Overdrive has so much added stuff to make it an hour-long film. Maximum Overdrive follows the short story very loosely, and it could honestly be its own movie without a short story. 

Sometimes They Come Back 

I have this movie on VHS. I loved watching this movie when I was younger. I used to have a crush on the blonde dude who, unfortunately, was a dead murder. The short story was so similar to the movie until the end that I was surprised. The end of the short story surprised me because the main character did a satanic ritual to get rid of the dead people, unlike in the movie where his dead brother saved him. I love both versions, but I prefer the movie over the story. 

Graveyard shift

The movie has obviously been fluffed up from the short story. The book gets right to the point whereas the movie guides the viewer into the action. The characters in the book don’t get as much detail as they do in the movie. The ending of the movie is so different from the ending of the story. 

The Stand

The Stand is a huge book, it’s not a short story but I felt like it still fit. It has two versions, the simplified version and the version with all the pointless details that didn’t make it in the simplified version. The movie series is approximately eight hours long. The movie version has been split into four DVDs because it won’t fit into one DVD.