Promposals Push On Through Time

A promposal is an elaborate way to ask someone to prom that began in 2004 after an episode of Laguna Beach aired where the students in the show tried to find the different ways to ask someone to prom. Then in 2014 promposals hit an all-time high and just kept growing through the years. Some students at Canton have been asked, or asked someone, to prom by way of promposals. 

“I was not really nervous asking her to prom by promposal. I was just kind of chillaxing because I had already kind of asked beforehand so I knew she would say yes. I asked her by using records and the song titles from the records,” Beau Fuqua, senior, said.   

Promposals have evolved since 2004. Now promposals can be a competition of who can find the most extravagant way to ask someone to prom. Some parents have a love/hate relationship with promposals, due to the expense. In 2015 the average promposal cost $324 according to Cosmopolitan Magazine. 

“I thought the promposal was sweet and thoughtful. I could see how people think they are cringey though. The first time he asked me with a sign and food, and the second time he asked me with a sign and flowers to our “Quarantine Prom”,” Payton Lee, senior, said. 

Some students have mixed feelings about promposals, some students think they are cute, while others think they can be a  waste of time and money. 

“Honestly it was kind of embarrassing just because I don’t know how to react to those kinds of situations. Don’t get me wrong I was really happy, but I’m really bad at reacting to stuff like that,” Hopelin Hood, junior said.  

Some students just do promposal because their parents want them to.  

“The promposal was all my mom’s idea,” Ethan Foster senior, said.