Five Things I Will Miss About High School

The closer we get to graduation, the more excited I get. Along with the excitement is a feeling of sadness because I will miss so many things about high school. 

1. Meeting my friends in the parking lot

Every morning before I walk into the building I talk to my friends in the parking lot. It is nice to be able to see my friends and have a short conversation before we go to our first-hour class.

2. Knowing everyone in the building

One of the nice things about a small school like ours is knowing everyone in the building. Even if we are not that close, I can have a conversation with anyone. 

3. Lunchtime in the cafeteria

It is not necessarily the food I will miss, but the conversations I have with my friends. We are always laughing and having a good time, and, every once in a while, we have a good lunch.

4. The teachers 

Over the years I have had many great teachers. I have had some of them so many times they have become like friends to me. I will definitely miss them.

5. My friends I have made

I have made many good friends while in high school. Although I am a senior, I get along better with the underclassmen. It does not matter if they are several grades below me, or in my senior class, I will miss them all.