Student Spotlight: Nadia Luna

Nadia Luna is an 8th grader at Canton High School. Nadia was born on June 5, 2008, in Woodward, OK. She grew up in Canton and Woodward OK. Nadia has two siblings, Alicia and  Henson.

Nadia’s favorite movie is Buttercream Gang, because she watched it a lot. 

Nadia’s favorite sport is basketball. Her favorite thing about basketball is getting to work together.

Nadia’s favorite subject in school is music because she likes to sing. After high school, Nadia doesn’t know for sure, but she thinks she wants to become a Designer.

Nadia’s favorite teacher is Mrs. Clark because she understands when she is having homework problems. 

When Nadia is not in school, she likes to hang out with her friends. 

If Nadia got to pick one main subject to not take her whole high school year, it would be math because she dislikes it a lot. 

If Nadia got to have any superpower it would be Invisibility because it’s cool. 

 Nadia’s favorite season is winter because it’s pretty, and her favorite holiday is Christmas because she loves how everyone comes together and enjoys each other’s company. 

Nadia thinks the biggest difference between this year and last year is that she is able to do more things this year.

The most embarrassing thing that happened to Nadia is when she slipped On-ice at a Park.