Candles are Life

My life revolves around candles. Everyone should have candles in their lives. Why wouldn’t someone have candles in their life? Candles are just the absolute best, I love candles to death. Honestly, if I could have all of the candles I want in the world I would. 

Every time I go to the store, I go straight to the candle section to smell every single one of them. Most of them smell great, but some smell horrible. I do not understand how some candles could smell good to a person, but I do understand that people have different tastes in smells they like. For example, I absolutely love the smell of peppermint candles. They smell so good, but my grandma hates them so much. She would probably destroy everything that smells like peppermint if she could. 

Having candles in my room lights it up and makes it smell amazing. Plus candles are a source of light, so if the electricity ever goes out, I would have a light source and my room would smell great 

In my opinion, the best possible candle scents are tobacco vanilla scented candles, berry scented candles, and peppermint scented candles. These candles are all in Dollar General, and they cost about one to seven dollars, depending on the size of the candles. The tobacco vanilla is sometimes out of stock, but they are usually in the store. Other than that the other scents are most of the time there. 

I have all of these scents in my room right now. They smell so good, but I would not recommend lighting them all together in the same room, I would get a headache if I did that, but they individually smell really great.