Students Consider Their Grades

It is getting to the end of the semester and that means semester tests are just around the corner for students. Many students are trying to get their grades up in just a few days, but some may not have to take semester tests depending on their grades and their absences.

Some students feel like their doing great.

“I got a 4.0 and that’s what’s taking me to college so good I guess,” Beau Fuqua, sophomore, said.

“For the classes I have and all that’s been going on they’re pretty good,” Roxy Linder, senior, said.

“I think I’m doing great so far,” Nathan Janda, freshman, said.

But other students do not feel the same.

“Uhm my (grades are) pretty bad,” Jacob Rutz, 8th grader, said.

“My grades are about good as the school lunches at this point,” Ally Nix, junior, said.