I Have an Old Lady Hobby

In the summer of 2022, I had picked up a hobby that will probably stick with me for the rest of my life. I started crocheting in the month of May after the school year ended, and I needed to do something over the summer instead of staying up all night on Netflix or Hulu. I had the materials to begin crocheting, which were not in the correct size I needed, but that didn’t stop me from making projects. The yarn and hooks were used to make blankets, and I made four tops and a pair of leg warmers out of the materials I had. 

To be honest, I didn’t think crocheting would last long like my other hobby attempts I tried in the past. I picked up journaling and tried to learn a new language, but those never seem to stay. I wasn’t expecting an old lady activity would make me focus and actually enjoy it. One thing about crocheting is that a person has to have a lot of patience for it, and it requires a lot of hand skills. Learning about the different types of stitches for crocheting can be confusing at first, but it gets easier with the project that I’m working on at the time. The stitches I have learned so far are a single stitch, half stitch, and double single stitch.

What helped me to start crocheting was looking on Pinterest and Youtube. Those two really helped with inspiration and just getting started in general. I used Pinterest to find what I want to do and Youtube to start crocheting because it helps me visualize what I’m going to do. The things that help me focus on my crocheting project are listening to music and watching The Great British Baking Show on Netflix. Now, I can tell my only hobby to people when they ask ‘Do you have any hobbies?’ and I bring up my old lady activity.