High School Speech Holds Mock Trial

Wednesday, February 16th, the high school speech class held a mock trial. The case was State v. Taylor Glow. 

Glow was arrested and charged for the crime of arson a few days after the governor’s mansion, in Texas, burned down. 

All names and details in this mock trial are fictitious and do not refer to any person or action involved in the case, other than the fact that the mansion was heavily damaged by fire. 

For the prosecution, Kenzi Nix was Jamie Smith, Sariah Vargas was Officer Cameron Martinez, and McKayla Howerton was Morrie Burst. The attorneys were Kylie Nix, Hailie Ibarra, and Kalli Lawrence. 

“It was nerve wracking and a little stressful and I felt like I was actually a part of a real trial,” Howerton, witness, said. 

For the defense, Imiyah Littlejohn was Taylor Glow, Annjolie Martinez was Hunter Lincoln, and Kassidy Pameticky was Maddie Koonz. The attorneys were Aletheia McIntosh, Kylie Carrasco, and Alexa Delgado. 

“It was interesting to see how everything played out and how everyone interacted with each other with their parts,” Solomon Vargas, juror, said. 

The trial was held during sixth hour in the library, with the U.S. Government class acting as a jury. 

The final verdict of the mock trial resulted in Glow being guilty.