Staying Hopeful for Cheer Tryouts


Cheer clinic starts on March 22 from 3:45 to 4:30. Students must attend  for at least three days in order to try out. Students trying out will learn the fight song along with two cheers and jumps. They will have time to learn and practice the materials until Thursday March 24th. Tryouts are the following day starting at 4:00 and will be judged by three SWOSU cheerleaders. 

First students will perform the fight song all together and will not be judged for this portion. Then they will perform the fight song again, but in small groups to be judged. They will also perform their group cheer. Finally students have a choice to tumble in, or spirit in and will individually perform the second cheer and two jumps of their choice. 

After everyone has been judged, Mrs. Thompson will give a brief speech about how proud she is for everyone who tried out and put themselves out there before giving the results.

Every year previous cheerleaders are required to try out for a spot on the squad.

There are a total of 19 high schoolers and 14 junior high students who are trying out this year.

Papers given out the first day of cheer clinic have all of the rules and regulations that cheerleaders must abide by or they will be automatically dismissed from the squad. Students have to be responsible for their academics while being a cheerleader. Cheerleaders chosen will have 3 unexcused demerits, anymore will be an automatic dismissal.

Students will not be judged only by how well they perform, but also by their GPA and by two evaluations from current teachers.

“Im anxious but excited about the possibility of making the team,” McKayla Howerton, sophomore, said.