Friday the 13th

Did you know that fear of Friday the 13th is called friggatriskaidekaphobia? This year in October there is a Friday the 13th. Better be cautious!! Jason might jump out with a chainsaw!! It is estimated that 17 to 21 million people in the U.S. are affected by the fear of Friday the 13th. Two presidents that have suffered from this fear are Franklin D. Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover.

If a 31 day month contains a Tuesday the 13th, then the next month will have a Friday the 13th. Countless people believe that 13 is an unlucky number because that was the number of people present at the last supper. An infamous bank robber, Butch Cassidy, was born on Friday, April 13th, 1866. The actress Laurie Bartram who played the girl, Brenda, in “Friday the 13th” had a cat on the set that was accidentally killed by roach poison.

The 13th of the month is more than likely to fall on a Friday than any other day of the week.