The Haunted Hallway

This year at Canton High School the hallway is haunted. Each part of the south hallway is decorated in a different way. Today the headstart, pre-k, and elementary are going to be walking through the hallway. The head-start is going to walk around the hallway at 11:30, the pre-k is coming at 10:30, and the elementary is coming at 1:00.

The haunted hallway is based on the Wizard of Oz. The beginning of the hallway has a tornado from the movie.  Past the tornado, there is a yellow brick road, which represents the road that Dorothy followed in the movie. Next, to the brick road there is a house, and underneath the house are two legs that have red slippers.

Towards the middle of the hallway is a row of cornstalks and Dorothy’s scarecrow friend that she meets in the movie. Next to the row of cornstalks are three trees. These trees threw apples at Dorothy in the movie. After the trees come the wicked witch’s castle and flying above the castle are the witch’s evil monkey minions.

At the end of the hallway are characters from the movie and the hot air balloon which took Dorothy back to Kansas in the movie.  Beyond the balloon is the Wizard’s castle, and streamers hanging from the ceiling.