Thanksgiving with the Fourth-Grade

On Tuesday, November 21, the kindergarten class will have a Thanksgiving feast at two o’clock. The second grade and fourth grade will have their Thanksgiving feasts at eleven o’clock.

At the feast, they will have turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls, stuffing, and pumpkin pie for dessert.

This year is Mrs. Loudenslager fifth year having a Thanksgiving feast with her class. “We have the feast to gather together for a meal as a group,” Mrs. Loudenslager, fourth-grade teacher, said.

“My favorite food was the turkey, and I like my home Thanksgiving better because I get to spend time with my family,” Icey Sankey, a fourth grader, said.

“I liked Thanksgiving at my nana’s house better because it is the best,” Dominic Perry, a fourth grader, said.

“My favorite food was the chocolate cake, and I like Thanksgiving at my house better because it has better food,” Camden Lee, a fourth grader, said.