Gardening Third Graders

Third graders have been planting vegetables in their garden since the third week of August. The garden is located south of the school in the playground area.

“We plant the garden every year because it teaches the kids to try different foods and the kids to learn how to plant a garden,” Mrs. Nault, third-grade teacher, said.

“I like working in the garden because it is fun and I love planting squash and radishes,” Kayli Kopf, third grader, said.

The third graders picked eight squash out of their garden. After Mrs. Nault and Mrs. McClure cooked the squash the third graders tried it. Some tried it for their very first time. Eleven out of twenty- five have never had squash.

“I did not like squash, but I like working in the garden with my white summer squash and watching it grow,” Landon Williams, third grader, said.

“I like working in the garden because it is fun learning how to plant a garden and watch the plants grow,” Karliee Pope, third grader, said.