Why do People Dress up for Halloween?


Many people often change their whole attire, and sometimes take hours on special effects, all for Halloween. What makes this holiday so special?

Halloween dates back to the Celtic holiday, Samhain. This holiday was the day many Celtics believed that the spirits crossed over into another realm. They also believed it to be on October 31, because this day, on the Celtic calendar, was the last day before winter. Which explains why some decorations are a little haunting in nature. October 31, was also to both honor spirits and ward off demons.

Dressing up for Halloween as it is now started in County Cork, Ireland. The Irish and Scottish began the tradition, and though this tradition was different throughout the country, the holiday was still about the spirits.

There is also a reason as to why many Halloween costumes were typically scary. The scary costumes were used in hopes of scaring the demons away, and representing the spirits who were crossing over.

Since the 20’s, many costumes have been made to look like cartoon characters or cute animals.This is the idea of companies like Collegeville Flag and Manufacturing Company who decided that Halloween costumes should not be just scary, but should be anything anyone could imagine.

Many other companies had the same idea and started licensing the rights for popular cartoon characters. These costumes sold fast to children who wanted to be their favorite cartoon, and companies have stuck with this idea ever since.