FCCLA Competes in Star Event


On Tuesday, November 9, four Canton FCCLA members traveled to Cherokee to compete in the North District 1 Star Events.

“It was really fun and I got to meet new people. It was a really fun experience,” Marci Rhodes, FCCLA member, said.

Keelynn Schaumberg competed in the cake decorating level 1 category. Marci Rhodes competed in the children’s literature level 3 category. Payton Wanzer competed in career investigating level 1. 

“FCCLA Star events are competitions that start at the district level. It takes dedication and managing classwork and the project work. Students Start to decide which event to enter and begin the work. It’s a great way to learn more about the topic and learn presentation skills,” Mrs. Haub, FCCLA teacher, said. 

Schaumburg won first place, Wanzer won second place, and Rhodes won second place.