Five Tips to Get You Through Covid-19 Distance Learning


On January 8, 2022, I found out that I had coronavirus. Being at home sick while also having to juggle school work is extremely stressful but I have somehow managed to do it.

 Here are a few tips to stay focused on school and also have time to rest while being sick.


  1. The first thing I would recommend, though it seems hard, is to wake up early. I didn’t wake up at six in the morning, but getting up between nine and ten really helped me get a good start to my day. Waking up early and getting school work done left the rest of the day to rest.
  2. The next thing is to be comfortable. You do not need to be uncomfortable doing schoolwork. Especially if you are sick, it is best if you are comfortable. So get a good workspace that is functional but also comfy.
  3. No distractions. Being at home, I understand that it is hard to find a place where you can focus, but it is helpful if you can. Along with finding a space with no distractions, you also have to remove distractions such as your phone. I listen to music while working, so I pick a playlist, but move my phone away from me, so I am not tempted to look at it.
  4. Staying on task. Once you start an assignment try and work on it until it is finished. This helps with productivity. Finishing an assignment can ensure that you will get it done instead of a half-finished one.
  5. Lastly, take your time but also be productive. Being sick is a huge barrier when trying to get work done, especially when it comes to schoolwork. While sick you feel unmotivated, so take your time and rest, but when you are done resting get back to work. Rest is important to getting better, but you have to remember to also stay on task.