Button Bangers

If you are a human, then you have had the moment when you wanted to hit the snooze button in the morning and go straight back to sleep. People hit the snooze button and go back to their dreamland. People from all ages have slept in longer than they should have. Most regret sleeping in for so long because they missed half their day.

Teenagers are usually the ones most likely to hit the snooze button when they wake up. They hit the snooze button just to sleep in those extra eight-minutes, and some will keep on hitting the snooze button. Some people just turn off the whole alarm and go back to sleep. A lot of people have been guilty of waking up in the morning and turning off their alarm.

This morning alone, of the eleven people in my journalism class, 7 people admitted to hitting the snooze button, and of those, two admitted to turning their alarms off entirely. Conversely, none of the snooze button bangers felt that those extra minutes were actually restful.

Are you guilty of hitting the snooze button in the morning?