The Top Ten Things You Missed In Last Year’s Yearbook


“That” time of year has arrived. The time of year when the yearbook advisor coats the school with posters and flyers reminding students to “Buy Your Yearbook Now”.  The same advisor also finds the typical “Buy Your Yearbook” memes and places them on every school social media account. There are deals. ($5 off now!) There are bargains. (Free Sonic gift card) There are games. (Remember morning announcement bingo?)

The fact is that a number of people still never get around to buying their yearbooks. Maybe it is because they still don’t know what they are missing, so the yearbook staff has decided to tell all.

If students did not buy a yearbook in 2017, these are the top ten things they missed.

1. What’s in the bag?

Almost every student carries a backpack. Only the 2017 yearbook gave students and parents a glimpse of what might actually be in the bag of a senior. Shhh. The cell phones are still a secret.

2. Coach Smith as a Hippie

Not everyone remembers the shock and awe of 1960s Day during 2016 football homecoming week without visual representation found in the yearbook.  So many things happen in a year, how can anyone possibly remember all of it without help?

3. Mrs. Nault + pie= Dream Come True

Every student has that teacher she has wanted to pop in the face with a pie. For some, it was Mrs. Jones in Pre-K when she just wouldn’t let that whole shoe tying thing go. For others, it was Mr. Barney when he assigned the senior memory book.  Every teacher in between has been the subject of the fantasy that a student gets to mush some type of pudding and crust mix into their face. In 2017 a child’s wish came true when he got Mrs. Nault with a pie, and of course, the yearbook was there to capture it.

4. Former Wombmates

Who could forget all of the twins who went to school at Canton last year? The 2017 yearbook would help jog the memory. Eight sets by the way, eight sets of twins in a school with 378 students, this alone should be enough to get CPS on the news.

5. Sausage Disaster

If someone was not a member of FFA, they might not have known about the sausage overage that left members and their leader searching for a place to put it all.  The FFA did host an amazing teachers’ breakfast later in the year though.

6. Coolest Parents

Everyone in elementary school learned who the coolest parents were when the second graders were asked what their favorites movies were. Killer Clown From Outer Space and Annabelle were answers from a few of these under the PG-13 limit students.

7. Don’t Let It Get Me

Few students in the high school knew about Mr. Mesis’s fear of spiders, until the yearbook came out in the fall.

8. What’s the Difference?

If a student ever wanted to know the basic differences between a high school teacher and an elementary teacher, he could find out on page 54 of the 2017 yearbook. The epic comparison was made between Ms. Hauser and Mrs. Thompson, ultimately El Charro prevailed.

9. Wait. What?

If students ever wanted to know the deep, dark secrets that their teachers and classmates were hiding, pages 66-67 definitely let the cats out of the bag. All of the cats, out of all of the bags, even the one Brooks Martin boxes with.

10. Speaking of Cats

Anyone with a weird pet was featured in the furry friend spread. This is where the students learned about Mrs. Jones’s trick cat and Ms. K’s cat obsession.


The point is, the yearbook advisor doesn’t want students and parents to buy yearbooks because of job security, although that is nice. She doesn’t want people to buy yearbooks because Canton’s have won 19 state and national awards in the last two years. The yearbook advisor wants students to order a yearbook so they don’t forget all of the cool, amazing, and somewhat crazy things that have happened this year.


You don’t want to miss the coaches in capes in the 2018 yearbook.  (Order online here , the school number is 14965)