Haystack Heads


Do you have curly hair?

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Imagine spending hours making your hair perfect. You got up hours before the sun came up so you could wash, dry, and style your hair. After you are finished, you feel amazing, and you are ready to go to school for picture day. Your outfit is perfect, your skin is clear, and you’re feeling pretty good. Your hair is the cherry on top. Then you walk outside…and it’s raining. It’s too late for an umbrella, and your hair has already expanded to the size of Texas. This is the struggle of having curly hair, and the struggle is real.

Don’t get me wrong I love having curly hair, but sometimes it’s a battle to take care of. If you have curly hair, you know that you literally can’t brush it. Every once in a while I’ll get brave and attempt to brush it out. Big mistake. The result of this attempted hair brushing session is a massive halo of frizz.

One of the good things about having curly hair is all of the cute hairstyles that can be created. Curly hair is easy to work with. Messy buns are a go-to look for us curly haired girls. A tip I use daily is to get a spray bottle full of water and put some conditioner in it. After mixing the water and condition up I spray it into my hair every morning before school. The mixture helps fix my bed head and keeps my curls hydrated.

Something I have come to realize is that girls with short hair want long hair, girls with long hair want short hair, girls with straight hair want curly hair, and girls with curly hair want straight hair. The combination of having long, curly hair is great. It is also the hardest type of hair to straighten. It takes me at least an hour to straighten all my hair. While my parents probably think I fell in, I’m actually just attempting to make my hair partially straight. “It takes forever to straighten my hair, like I probably could have run a marathon in the time it took to get my hair straight,” Hayleigh Noble, freshman, said. The steps I personally use to straighten my hair are pretty simple.I wash my hair first, then apply coconut oil. I blow dry my hair on the cold air setting. I use a heat protectant so I don’t damage my hair while straightening. If you use these tips your hair will come out shiny and straight.

One thing I love about having curly hair is that washing it is a legitimate excuse for getting out of boring events. Whenever my mom plans on making me go to a boring store or event with her I jump in the shower. Since my mom has curly hair herself she knows there is no possible way to wash, dry, and style it in less than an hour.

I love sunglasses, my hair however does not. I have a habit of putting my sunglasses on top of my head. If my sunglasses end up on top of my head, that is where they will be staying. The mop on top of my head will trap any and all objects that come near it. It is like the Bermuda Triangle for glasses, bobby pins, and hair ties.

Next time you see one of us haystacks heads realize it may be beautiful but it isn’t always easy.