Students and Teachers Find the Bright Spots

What is your favorite part of the day?

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Almost every student does not want to get out of bed in the morning and come to school, but they usually always have a bright spot during the day that they enjoy. 

“I enjoy my 5th hour class because it’s my ag class,” Will Blood, freshman, said. 

“I enjoy coach Mesis’s class because we get into arguments and have good debates and a group of three get in trouble everyday,” Hopelin Hood, sophomore, said. 

“My favorite part of the school day is lunch because I get to eat and talk to my friends,” Cooper Evans, senior, said. 

Elementary students enjoy going to school more than high school and junior high students do. 

“My favorite part of the school day is all stars because it is fun,” Lizzy Edwards, 2nd grade, said. 

“My favorite part of the school day is math because it helps you in the future,” Ethan Cantrell, 5th grade, said. 

The teachers and staff always like to help students succeed, even if the students don’t want to.  

“The part of the school day I enjoy is either beginning or finishing a project because it is always great to start with a new idea and when we end I like to see what the students have accomplished,” Mrs.Morgan, art teacher, said. 

“My favorite part of the day is lunch time because I get to serve students,” Kristen Sullins, cafeteria worker, said.