How to Pass Semester Tests

Semester tests are coming up and most of the students at Canton High School will be taking them.

Students who have missed so many days or have a bad grade in a class will end up having to take semester tests. The tests are made up by the teacher. The teacher creates the test over the lessons the students have been learning about.

“How do I pass my semester tests?” a student might ask. Follow the steps below.

  • Study, it will help a lot.
  • Pay attention in class. You might learn something you need to know.
  • Go to bed at a decent time. The brain needs to rest.
  • Do not have any doubt.
  • Take your time. There is no need to rush, so slow down and read over your answers.
  • Do not stress. It is not the end of the world.
  • Reread sections or rework problems in the book.
  • Take notes in class and study them.
  • Sit down with a teacher and review.
  • Eliminate incorrect answers on the test. Doing this will get you one step closer to the correct answer.

“When they give you the study guide, you need to study, remember, show up on time, and pass it,” Cooper Evans, sophomore, said.

“Do not try to cram and study the night before, study throughout the week,” Mr. McPhail, principal, said.