Sugar and Spice v. Snips and Snails

Off and on over the years, public schools have debated following the model of some private schools that separate boys and girls.

Boys and girls should not be split up into separate classes. If there was a classroom filled with just girls, there would be too much drama. When girls are together, they like to talk about anything and everything. They will stir up an argument and possibly a fight. There would end up being a room full of students in ISS.

Also, if separated from girls, boys would never get their work done. They would be too busy talking about sports or what is for lunch that day.

Having girls and boys in the same class helps them get their work done and stop arguing. Boys and girls combined in classes helps maintain a natural balance of personalities and tendencies.

When asked if he thinks boys and girls should be split up into separate classes, Jesse Grayson replied “No, because boys are immature and would go crazy. Girls keep the guys sane and tell them how to act, so the boys need the girls.”

If a male teacher would have a class full of girls, it might get awkward and uncomfortable at times. Also a class full of boys with a female teacher could be weird.

Splitting girls and boys up into separate classes is not a good idea.