Helicopter Parents Make Life Harder


More helicopter parents have hovered into children’s lives over the years. Helicopter parents are those parents who constantly hover over their children and then swoop in to save them when any little problem comes their way.

Some kids have had their helicopter parents do most of the easy things in their lives for them. Some examples are setting a job interview, doing their laundry, making long hour trips across the country to check up on them, placing a tracker on their son or daughter to track their every move, to name just a few of the hovering actions.

Some students have said that they were bullied back in elementary school because their mom would come and sit in the classroom with them and make sure they are making friends and not being bullied, which only made the bullying worse when the mom left.

When young adults finally leave the nest from their helicopter parents, some might go through a “wild phase,” which is a period of high-risk behavior. This risky behavior might compensate for the lack of freedom they had as a child or teenager. It can include drug abuse, alcohol, or 24-hour partying,

When some adults first become independent from their helicopter parents, they immediately ghost their parents or move as far away as soon as possible. These new adults realize they have to be able to make their own mistakes growing up.

Kids of helicopter parents can have anxiety about pleasing others as adults. They learned at a very young age to please people in order to survive. As adults, they can struggle to say no when they are out in the real world by themselves.

I used to have an overprotective mom, but she eased up over the years. When I was 8 or 9-years-old, I went to go spend the night at my cousin’s house, and she came to check up on me at three a.m. Luckily I acted like I was already asleep and she did not want to wake me up. She did embarrass me with my cousins who kept teasing me about it for the rest of the night when she left.

Those helicopter parents who protect their kids, even though the kid is obviously guilty, and he just does not want to admit that he is wrong, can be the most detrimental to their children.

If a child grows up with a parent like that, he could feel entitled all of his life, until he leaves his parents to be alone.